
The Best Solution for Sensitive Teeth

If you have had braces, why should you buy ENAMELIN

 It is very important to diagnose, prevent and correct malpositioned teeth when the mouth is closed (malocclusion). It is also important to diagnose, prevent and correct a malpositioned jaw. In orthodontic treatments, the dental decalcification (dental demineralization) that occurs around and below the braces as well as the dental demineralization (dental decalcification) that occurs around the orthodontic bands have created topics of conversation among orthodontists. These lesions are very common in orthodontic treatments when braces are fixed in place.

White lesions of dental demineralization (dental decalcification) result due to a decrease in PH caused by improper oral hygiene. The consumption of beverages high in sugar such as soda is the principle cause of the appearance of the white lesions of dental demineralization (dental decalcification) seen around and below the braces. Due to the fact that it is difficult to remove bacterial plaque in areas where the braces have been set, it is extremely important that dental hygiene is adequate. Excess adhesive around the braces facilitates the formation of bacterial plaque and increases the appearance of the white lesions of dental demineralization (dental decalcification).

In any orthodontic treatment, an average of 2 and 3 teeth can be affected by lesions of dental decalcification (dental demineralization). White lesions of dental demineralization can appear within the first four weeks that the braces are affixed.

Odontologists are in search of ways to regenerate the enamel that has been lost and are making efforts to obtain complete dental remineralization of the lesions of dental decalcification that result from orthodontic treatment.

Dental demineralization results in sensitive teeth (Dental hypersensitivity)

You should buy ENAMELIN because ENAMELIN remineralizes teeth, strengthens teeth and completely eliminates dental hypersensitivity. "ENAMELIN is the best solution for people who experience Dental demineralization, dental hypersensitivity or dental erosion after using braces".

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